August 30, 2008

Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)


Halloween 4 is not a terrible movie by any means. It's simply forgettable. Unlike the first one, there are no characters to feel for, no plot to unnerve you, and no technical cinematic prowess to astound you. It was just simple slasher fare. And with it came a few startling moments, a few gory special effects, and lots of low-lit environments. What sets it apart from other slashers is the awesome Halloween theme and multiple references to the original, including its ending. This doesn't make it a good film, but it certainly made it more fun for me to watch. I really can't recommend this unless you're one of those people who are obsessed with the series. Or you're like me and have nothing to do late at night and are too lazy to change the channel.

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August 16, 2008

Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)


Woody Allen's Vicky Cristina Barcelona tells its entire story in the title, which I'm sure Allen intended. It is about Vicky (Hall) and Cristina (Johansson) during a summer vacation in Barcelona, where they meet Juan Antonio (Bardem) who invites them to drink wine and make love to him. As a young narrator informs us, the two girls have differing views on love. Vicky is engaged to Doug (Messina) but is afraid she wants more than her boring but otherwise perfect marriage. Cristina is always looking for more and different ways to be pleased until she finds what she's looking for. Juan Antonio is frank and honest with his emotions and sexuality. While these all sound like unique characters, they're not; they're caricatures exaggerated to make fun of each social class (educated homemaker wishing for something more, ever-unsatisfied free spirit, and romantic bohemian artist). Even the side characters are laughable.

This is not to denigrate the acting, which was excellently understated, but rather to emphasize the humor. I was laughing throughout the entire piece, not because of the things that happened, but because of the characters' impressions of themselves--how they talked and what they said--that revealed Allen poking fun at each of these social circles. Technically, the movie was solid, with little risk and littler reward. (There was an odd cross dissolve during a shot/countershot conversation, but nothing else particularly awful comes to mind.) I actually didn't mind the narration that much (and thankfully they didn't try to explain it at the end like in Million Dollar Baby). The movie is a fairly light romp through what is clearly a male fantasy with nothing profoundly insightful, but it's well worth the ride.

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August 09, 2008

Pineapple Express (2008)


I have never been a big fan of the stoner genre--I loathed Smiley Face--but I was actually pretty excited about Pineapple Express, mostly because it reunited James Franco with Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen from Freaks & Geeks. Judd Apatow was the saving grace behind this otherwise simple stoner comedy. As you can expect from an Apatow-produced pic, the most hilarious moments were when the characters argued with each other, as they are in real life as well. The plot was actually pretty good, considering the genre. It follows potdealer Saul (Franco) and process server Dale (Rogen) after the latter witnesses a murder that results in the unlikely duo as the murderers' next target. The movie was technically proficient, and I expected nothing less from David Gordon Green. It wasn't as poetic as his other films, but nobody was expecting it to be. All in all, it was exactly what I expected it to be, nothing more and nothing less. Feel free to watch it if you want, but you should know what you're getting into.

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August 07, 2008

Find Me Guilty (2006)


Sidney Lumet's Find Me Guilty is a fairly mediocre comedy/courtroom procedural. It's a novel mix of the two genres, but nothing particularly interesting or fascinating. I don't know what you'd get out of the film that's new in any way, but there were some funny moments, some tender ones, and some very exciting ones as well. Based on a true story, the plot follows Jackie DiNorscio as an underling in a huge mafia crime syndicate, on trial defending himself, as well as the rest of the family. There aren't that many twists and turns, so the basic premise is all that you get. If that doesn't sound appealing to you, the movie as a whole probably won't either. The real revelation in this movie is Vin Diesel. He takes on his character fully and makes him real, as well as likable. His stellar acting here makes me forget the quality of work he's been in before. The cinematography and editing are excellent, as in every Lumet film, but the other technical aspects are fairly forgettable. Enjoy if you wish, although you won't miss much if you decide not to check it out.

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You Kill Me (2007)


You Kill Me is supposed to be a dark comedy, but it's more of an indie dramedy full of lingering camera shots, deadpan dialogue, and quirky characters. Ben Kingsley plays an alcoholic hitman who is sent to San Francisco by his mafia uncle (Philip Baker Hall) to go to Alcoholics Anonymous. Luke Wilson becomes his gay AA sponsor, Bill Pullman becomes his temporary West Coast realtor, and Tea Leoni becomes his 20-years younger love interest. I suppose the premise is smirk-worthy, but not laugh-out-loud hilarious. None of this movie really made laughter emanate from my belly uncontrollably, although at times I thought to myself, "That's pretty clever."

The best aspect of this movie was how perfectly it depicted the pain of Alcoholics Anonymous. It felt like church for atheists; everyone telling you you're wrong, and being overly friendly and superficial about it. Additionally, the performances were quite good. I'm not quite sure how strong their characters were, because they felt quite dull and uninteresting except for the aforementioned character traits. All in all, it wasn't particularly funny or memorable. Don't bother checking this film out unless you really really really really like the actors. Or you really hate AA.

IMDb link:

August 03, 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)


Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight is far, far superior to his earlier Batman Begins. With this film, Batman has stepped out of the action comic niche and into the serious drama genre. And yet, I find that it doesn't have much to say in that regard. Despite being bleak and hopeless, it reveals no message. Unlike No Country for Old Men or A Clockwork Orange, the discomfort and unpleasantness you endure while watching are not rectified in the end by a meaningful message. It tells us that the (fictional) citizens of Gotham still have hope, despite living in a city with corrupt cops and innocents-killing villains. I wouldn't have hope, I'd have a moving van reserved. So, granted, it doesn't have a message. But what's the big deal? A lot of movies don't. The big deal is that this movie is so effective at what it sets out to do. It is so well-crafted that you feel the unease and nervousness prickling your skin and upsetting your stomach. And there is no redemption at the end. There is nothing. So why did I watch it?

Technically, the movie is more than adequate. The editing and pacing were superb; not a single frame of what ended up in the final cut was off. The film started off tense with a heist on par with Michael Mann's Heat, and never sagged one bit. When you watch this film, you are enveloped by it. The problem was in its 2.5 hour runtime, which arose not in post-production but in pre-production, while the story was still being formulated. A number of scenes should have been eliminated altogether because they showed nothing new, but merely reiterated what we already knew. Another set of scenes ended abruptly (after the Joker crashes Bruce Wayne's fundraiser, for example) with no resolution or transition, and needed to be reworked. Some technological advances were simply dumb and annoying to the audience (the Bat-Sonar), while others were novel and exciting (the Batcycle/Batpod). The cinematography, while definitely a step up from Batman Begins, was still nothing particularly amazing. (Although after seeing so many awful indie films with bad lighting, I'm impressed to see a movie set almost constantly in darkness where I can tell exactly what's going on at all times.) The music was phenomenal on its own and pitch-perfect in conjunction with the mood and atmosphere of the film. I couldn't get the theme out of my head for at least an hour afterwards.

And onto the acting. Forget everyone else, because all you will care about is Heath Ledger's Joker. He steals the show. Not just in every frame he's in, but in every frame of the movie. You simply cannot stop thinking about him. Even Aaron Eckhart's Harvey Dent is forgettable in comparison. Now, is it worthy of a posthumous Oscar? It's way too early to tell. But if he gets nominated, I think he should/will win, out of respect for the dead. The rest of the acting was adequate and not the least bit noteworthy. I didn't think that Maggie Gyllenhaal was a good choice to replace Katie Holmes as Rachel Dawes. She was pretty unattractive in this film (which is shocking, because she can be really attractive in other films like Stranger Than Fiction) and a pretty weak character overall, although she served more of a purpose in this film than in the last one.

Overall, I highly recommend the film. It's difficult for me to say that I enjoyed watching it, due to its unbearably painful and unyielding darkness, but I will admit that I was pleasantly surprised at how much better it was from the first one. It would have been awful to pay money and spend 3 hours in a theater watching a poorly-made version of itself. So, if you liked Batman Begins, you will without a doubt love this one. (It's probably you fanboys who got it to the top spot on IMDb.) If you hated Batman Begins, give this one a chance. But I don't think you're missing much if you skip out on seeing this film, except perhaps the ability to discuss it with all the rest of the people in the world.

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