September 29, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


Marvel's new cinematic franchise Guardians of the Galaxy is an extraordinarily fun film and an unparalleled success. I won't bore you with plot details, but I will say that it is more an adventure movie (a là Star Wars or Indiana Jones) than a comic book/superhero movie. Even if it doesn't sound like your cup of tea, don't wait for it to come out on Redbox. It is a profoundly visual experience, a motion picture in every sense of the word, and should be enjoyed in a theater. You will be utterly delighted. It's hard to remember the last time I went into the theater without expectation and ended up with a smile plastered on my face and my mouth agape in awe for two straight hours.

Chris Pratt leads the cast as Star Lord, and he brings levity and charisma to the role. But he also brings gravitas, which I was not expecting from Anna Faris's goofy husband. He has a presence on screen that makes me think he could be what Harrison Ford was in the 70's: a superstar. But with all his charm, Star Lord is not the most lovable character. That title belongs to Groot and Rocket, voiced by Vin Diesel and Bradley Cooper respectively. They steal every scene they're in, leaving you itching for the next one. Laugh-out-loud lines coupled with an endearing friendship make the duo unforgettable.

The cinematography is agile and the editing is tight. For its 2-hour runtime, it breezes by surprisingly quickly and packs in a bunch of plot (sometimes revealing just hints of backstory to leave you wanting more). The director made some bold choices with mood and tone, but it works perfectly here. Somehow, it feels like a brand-new type of movie. The biggest challenge will be making sure the next one is as on-point as this film is. Guardians of the Galaxy has unique, memorable characters, an exciting story filled with seemingly unending thrills, and the promise of more adventure to come with what I hope are numerous sequels and prequels. I honestly cannot wait for all this series has to offer.

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