November 17, 2006

Branded to Kill (1967)


Branded to Kill is just about the craziest, most nonsensical movie I have ever seen. Every second of it is confusing, from the first frame to the last. The editing is piss-poor. Half the shots you can't tell what's going on because the lighting is practically nonexistent. Has Suzuki ever heard of a "master shot"? Has he ever heard of characterization? Does he even know what a movie is?

Seijun Suzuki seems very much to me like the Japanese Ed Wood, only with a much much better eye for composition and camerawork. This movie has some of the most jaw-dropping shots you will ever see. And it's pretty hilarious, in a sort of exploitation way. His gratuitous use of female nudity and violence (an optometrist pops a man's eye out and takes it to his sink, only to be shot by an assassin from a floor below through the sink's drainage pipe) is so ludicrous that it makes the movie hysterical. So all in all, it was a pretty fun movie with some astounding shots, just not anything else. Not anything.

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