December 12, 2006

Come and See (1985)


This movie is absolutely terrible, and what makes it worse is that it's so long. But worse than its length is the poor editing, which makes it feel even longer than it actually is! You look at each scene and wonder why it lasted so long. There are pretty much no lighting setups, so the movie looks incredibly low quality and almost documentary. Except it's not, a fact made obvious by the melodramatic overacting, propagandist narrative, and artsy camerawork. So many straight-on closeups of bad acting, so many long tracking shots of people running; they detract from both the content and the craft. Heinous.

The concept was interesting, and specific scenes showed the German atrocities against Russian towns very effectively. The end was mesmerizing, but I'm not really sure what its point was. This entire movie has far too much confidence in itself considering the final product. These are the only reasons I'm not giving this movie one star.

IMDb link: