January 10, 2009

Righteous Kill (2008)


When I first heard Righteous Kill was getting made over two years ago, I was excited for two reasons: Russell Gewirtz was writing the screenplay (he also wrote Inside Man) and De Niro and Pacino were acting together. Both disappointed. The plot concerns two aging New York cops in pursuit of a serial killer who murders bad guys. The way the movie progressed, and the structure of the story overall, made the twist at the end obvious. There was also no build-up to the finale; you were simply watching stuff happen like it was some kind of indie slice-of-life movie. Additionally, the actions of most characters made little sense or were poorly explained. Characters' motivations were seemingly nonexistent or just plain ludicrous.

As far as the acting goes, what can I say? It's De Niro and Pacino, so it's not bad. It's just bleh. It's two old men talking about a case that needs to get solved. They're given nothing to show off their abilities. The best thing about this movie, which surprised me, was the cinematography and editing. They were far better than I expected (and better than the rest of the piece), although they were also a little out of place sometimes. Whether or not you were originally interested in this movie, just leave it behind. There's nothing here to satisfy you.

IMDb link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1034331/