The plot in this movie is barebones. When it does attempt to explain itself, it fails pretty spectacularly. To put it simply, no part of this movie makes any sense whatsoever. The dialogue is amazing though. It is sharp, quick, and efficient. It says so much with so few words. It relies on the actors' chemistry and body language to tell their history and their behavior. The directing allows the actors space to act without forcing rapid-fire dialog or editing. And it's funny. As an action movie, Mr. And Mrs. Smith is somewhat middle of the line. I didn't find it particularly compelling, or particularly nauseating, so that's a good sign. All in all, it's a fairly average action flick that has some strong elements along with some weak elements. If the trailers looked interesting to you, I'm sure you'll enjoy checking it out.
IMDb link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0356910/