October 03, 2012

Lady Vengeance (2005)


Chan-wook Park's Lady Vengeance is his third and final film about vengeance. I don't know why he has fixated on vengeance, nor have I ever found his trilogy to be especially provocative or necessary. The films are mostly just disturbing and horrific without much value or entertainment. What I do appreciate in this film that I didn't get in the previous ones is a rather unique thematic twist as we approach the finale. Park doesn't make the movie a question of personal revenge, from some fictional character who was wronged, but a communal one. We are the community; what would we do, being reminded of our violent past after we've moved on? Take justice into our own hands or let old wounds heal?  But after the initial spark of that promising thought fades away, Lady Vengeance becomes just another bloody fantasy once again and I become disappointed by Chan-wook Park once again.

IMDb link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0451094/