January 09, 2014

Frozen (2013)


Disney's Frozen is a commercially-successful princess movie chock-full of uplifting songs and adorable animation. And while it has its charms, it just didn't satisfy any of my expectations. For me, it's fairly middle of the road. I have a lot of issues with it--first and foremost being that a lot of it simply doesn't make sense--so I'll go on a short rant before I come to my conclusion.

  1. The relationship between the sisters feels inauthentic. As if the mere fact that they are sisters is enough that they display unconditional love for each other. Maybe that's how Disney stories have always been and I haven't been paying attention, but it just didn't feel real for me.
  2. Why are there trolls? Why do they possess certain magical properties and not others? What purpose do they serve? And, most importantly, what makes them "love experts"?
  3. Why is Olaf the snowman so absurd? He is not merely comic relief; he is the epitome of non sequitur. How and why does he exist at all? Even visually, he seems out of place in the film. In terms of mood, he's even more nonsensical.
  4. I find myself opposed to the morals of the film's conclusion. The suspicious character, who does not seem particularly bad, is imprisoned. The truly evil murderous villain, on the other hand, is simply sent back home for his family to punish. Is that really the message we want children to get out of this movie?
  5. The songs feel more like Broadway songs than Disney songs. They're extremely dynamic with a full sound and mature voice behind them. They're fantastic songs, but they don't fit comfortably within the Disney canon.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that the movie is perfectly adequate but not particularly special. It will entertain and it will delight, but it feels so haphazardly constructed that I cannot imagine it will stand the test of time. It's fine. Most people will like it. But it's ultimately a distraction; it is not Disney's reclamation of success.

IMDb link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2294629/