I thought some of the scenes tried much too hard to accomplish their goal. For example, when the woman almost runs over the dwarf the second time; when the dwarf yells in the bar for everyone to look at him; and when he falls on the train tracks and feels like killing himself. Some scenes just weren't that believable and feel scripted (really obvious because of the otherwise stellar script). Another thing: there is an incredibly powerful and emotional moment when he must walk away in shame and embarrassment from protecting a girl because his size prevents him from helping. But the movie doesn't fully explore this moment and the feeling just sort of dips off and dies. All things considered, though, I really enjoyed this movie. It's not exactly slow and it's not exactly boring, but you probably won't like it if you can't stand slow, boring movies. It's hard to tell, and it varies from person to person. But if you like slice of life stories, you might want to give this a try.
IMDb link: http://imdb.com/title/tt0340377/