April 08, 2007

The Lookout (2007)


The aptest word to describe this movie is, for me, unfulfilling. It starts out strong with an absolutely beautiful opening scene that explains the tragedy that results in Chris Pratt's head injury and debilitation that is his central characteristic throughout the rest of the movie. But from there, it never quite lives up to expectations. Coming in, I thought it was going to be a crime movie/character study à la The Beat That My Heart Skipped, but it doesn't even approach the depth, quality, or intensity that that movie contains. As is very often the case, in trying to be both kinds of movies, it succeeds at neither. Much of the story seems sloppy and unnecessary and characters come and go without being fully fleshed out. The writing relied excessively on voice-over and flash-back. The heist/crime aspect was simple and uninteresting and it took away from the emotional aspect of a character living with pain and guilt. The character study had potential, but not much else, as the movie spent more time on the plotting and execution of the bank robbery than on developing his mental anguish.

The acting by Jeff Daniels was awesome; his unique character is very memorable and well-envisioned. I didn't find Joseph Gordon-Levitt's acting spectacular, but I don't think he had much to work with. He was excellent in the very few opportunities he had to be excellent. There were some very pretty shots (in the beginning and during the actual bank heist). And while it never quite satisfied, the morsels of tenderness and emotion sprinkled throughout the movie felt real and true. I wouldn't recommend it unless you're interested in the actors, because they are really the only above average qualities this movie has.

IMDb link: http://imdb.com/title/tt0427470/