July 19, 2007

Inherit the Wind (1960)


Inherit the Wind is a good movie based on a good play, but it's not great. Following the minutiae of the sensational Scopes monkey trial, it feels somewhat dated. The best part about it was the amazing acting by Spencer Tracy and Gene Kelly. I didn't get much more out of it except a few good lines, a couple good laughs, and some neat cinematography. The rest just failed to impress. It may have been because I directed the play in high school and was already very familiar with the material; the movie to me was just the sum of the cinematic qualities distinct and separate from the story and message. As with Crash, the point the movie seemed to be making was the equality of all (in this case to be able to think). Both Haggis in Crash and Kramer here failed in their filmmaking because they bias the movies. Kramer very evidently takes the side of the evolutionists and makes the fundamentalists laughable. Brady should have been more of a commanding presence than a farcical caricature; Drummond always struck me as a little meaner and more arrogant than he's presented here. The editing was uninspired and common. I hated the music so much; it was pedestrian and irritating. Overall though, an interesting piece and recommended if you know nothing about the movie or are interested in the Scopes monkey trial, but it doesn't stand well to repeat viewings.

IMDb link: http://imdb.com/title/tt0053946/