I have to say though that there were actually a couple things I liked about this movie. The mood was exceptional; it kept you on edge and constantly looking for an explanation. Unfortunately, none came. Some of the dialogue wasn't bad, raising questions about morality and guilt, but when it did it felt completely out of place. Most of the time the dialogue acted simply as a lazy way to advance the plot. And I didn't mind the acting for the most part. Anything seemed Oscar-worthy after the dross I saw in House of Games. The editing was surprisingly good. The separation of the days of the week helped make sense of the unnecessarily confusing time shifts. Each day was given approximately the same amount of time and felt just as important as the others. After the first couple of days, however, when we figure out what's going on, it's simply a matter of time waiting for the event/ordeal to end. But the poster for this movie is amazing. Absolutely stunning. It has nothing to do with the movie, but still. Anyway, very unrecommended, although it is not completely without merit.
IMDb link: http://imdb.com/title/tt0477071/