July 29, 2007

The Simpsons Movie (2007)


The Simpsons Movie is fantastic and fun the entire time. I loved seeing this movie! My mouth was open the entire time. Literally. The jokes were so rapid-fire that if I tried closing my mouth, I would have to open it again before it shut completely so that I could laugh at a new joke. It is unbelievably funny and a worthy addition to the Simpsons name. It's so much better than the average new episode coming out on TV and highly recommended. In addition to the many, many clever gags, there were uncountable subtle references to movies I know and love (like Independence Day, when the shadow came and covered the town). Also, the animation was great: brilliant yellow as you've never seen it before! And in hi-def! But perhaps what I liked most about seeing the film was the heartfelt emotion that doesn't always find itself so honestly in the series. After growing up with these characters for the better part of my youth, yes, I found myself choking up at some parts. And then I laughed.

But for hardcore fans, of which I do not consider myself one, it seems it was a bit of a letdown. It was especially disappointing after seeing the absolutely incredible first twenty minutes of the film and getting their hopes up. They recycled many jokes, situations, and plot devices; where was the fresh, edgy humor the show was first known for? Personally I was a bit put off at the rather limited inclusion of Mr. Burns, Apu, and other relatively minor characters. I didn't like how they added an evil bad guy just for the movie, especially considering they could have made him Hank Scorpio in the exact same role and it would've worked even better and been even more hilarious. Also, the abundance of jokes, trying to cram every last thing into this movie, got a bit tedious at the end. You're just waiting for the movie to be over. And in all honesty, laughing for 90 minutes straight has to be bad for you in some way; that can't be healthy. I hate saying these negatives 'cause I loved the movie and absolutely recommend it to anyone even remotely interested in the Simpsons or American culture through media. It is exemplary.

IMDb link: http://imdb.com/title/tt0462538/