As you probably know from the trailers and immediately forgot, License to Wed is about a young couple (John Krasinski and Mandy Moore) who go through a premarital counseling course run by the insane Reverend Frank (Robin Williams). The
very insane Reverend Frank. He gives them creepy robot babies to test their parenting skills, he bugs their house to make sure there's no sex before the wedding, and he makes them drive blindfolded to practice communication skills. (Don't worry, I'm not revealing anything that isn't in the trailer.) Yes, it is preposterous and you know how it's going to end, but is that really why you're watching this movie? Naw, you see it for that feel-good moment, and after 90 minutes it comes, as expected. (Although, not as I expected, in a Michael Bay, rapidly-rotating camera shot.)

Nothing about this movie is exceptional or painful. It is solidly, forgettably mediocre. One thing did rub me the wrong way. Robin Williams's character is a bit sexually risqué for me. It just seems odd to have so much of his adult, male humor in this otherwise teenage girlie movie. But there were also little gems I really enjoyed. For example, Reverend Frank has a chubby kid protégé who's pretty hilarious. And it was great seeing Mindy Kaling, Brian Baumgartner, and Angela Kinsey in supporting roles. And of course John Krasinski in the lead. I love it when I see The Office actors pop up in random movies. They're not enough to make a movie good, but they are enough to make this movie more than watchable! Recommended for those who want to see The Office actors in something they haven't already seen (but Robin Williams fans will be disappointed).
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