I liked much of the filmmaking. The movie slowly reveals how the world devolved, it gradually allows the audience to experience the settings--the time and place--on their own terms. The pacing was excellent; it did a great job of describing how this nightmarish scenario all began while simultaneously maintaining an eerie sense of mood, a permeating unease that I absolutely relished. A lot of the dialogue and actions--of the humans and the monsters--seemed bizarre at first. And instead of explaining the "odd" aspects of their behavior, the movie lets the viewer generate the answers for themselves, especially concerning the monsters' social structure.
There were a couple of flaws. It seemed like a lot of scenes were unnecessary. Bob Marley's music, the voice-over radio transmissions, and Shrek the movie were all overused and repetitive to the point of irritation. The CGI was surprisingly seamless on the whole, which made it all the more shocking when you could tell which parts were CGI and which weren't (some galloping deer, the breaking glass, etc.). Also, the ending was a bit of a letdown, even knowing it would be a letdown. Still, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and recommend it if you were already considering watching it.
IMDb link: http://imdb.com/title/tt0480249/