Rob Zombie's remake of John Carpenter's classic Halloween flabbergasted me. Because of its utter disregard for anything that might give someone an excuse to like a movie. Everything about this movie either bored me or pissed me off. The changes Zombie made to the original story were vastly inferior; even the parts he copied were done in a much less frightening manner.
Zombie's version adds 30 minutes to the beginning that attempts to humanize, justify, or reason Michael Myers's homicidal tendencies. Zombie seems to have no idea that it is precisely Myers's lack of background that makes his evil so menacing and terrifying--his actions must always be inexplicable. Not only is Myers given a reason to start killing, the reason is quite possibly the silliest thing about this movie. He kills people because he has an ugly face and wants to hide it from the world with equally ugly masks so that people will stop making fun of him. How is that the recipe for a subhuman serial killing machine?

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