July 21, 2009

The Bad Sleep Well (1960)


Akira Kurosawa's The Bad Sleep Well is a complex re-envisioning of Shakespeare's Hamlet. It uses corruption as its backdrop and noir as its accent. Written with precision, directed with skill, and acted with dexterity, this is a masterpiece as only Kurosawa can pull off. As in all noirs, the plot is labyrinthine, the subject matter is dark, and the mood is fatalistic. However, this revenge story does not have all the elements of noir: a femme fatale is absent, replaced instead by a wholly kind and honest soul. Her presence makes the ending all the more heartbreaking and poignant.

Like any good noir, we see every character, both the "good" guys and the "bad" guys, get what's coming to them. But like the very best noirs, we feel a palpable tension creep up on us, get under our skin, and make us shudder with apprehension, wishing it didn't have to happen. We watch as each character uses deceit and duplicity to build the foundations for their greedy and vengeful goals; we watch as leaks start to spring up and they lose a bit of control; we watch as they duct-tape the pieces back together and lie to themselves about its stability; and we watch as it eventually collapses due to their own shoddy, sleazy craftsmanship. It represents everything film noir aspires to, from the technical aspects like cinematography to the nebulous qualities like mood, and does so with aplomb.

When I put the movie into the DVD player, I did not know that it would be a film noir. And I am, unfortunately, not as familiar with Hamlet as I should be or would like to be. While watching it, I assumed it would be a different kind of movie and did not find it as compelling or enveloping as I thought it should have been. But looking back on it, in the context of a noir, I see it as one of the best to emerge outside of America. I cannot yet judge the film as far as adaptations go, but I am excited to watch it again after reading through and discussing Hamlet. This is one film I know I will revisit many times to come.

IMDb link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0054460/