July 26, 2009

L'Eclisse (1962)


Michelangelo Antonioni's L'Eclisse is about a woman (Vitti) who breaks up with a rich suitor (Rabal) right before a sudden economic downturn. She then meets a handsome day trader (Delon) and a new attraction begins. But if you asked me to tell you what it's really "about," like love and life and the evils of capitalism, then I couldn't say. The message is far too underplayed. Stuff happens, in the sense that people do stuff, but nothing really ever happens. This is a perplexing film filled with metaphors and imagery that may no doubt blow your mind if they weren't simply figments of your imagination. The camera focuses in on the mundane, forcing the viewer to try and look past it and see some deeper truth, but the only way you'll find a deeper truth is if you make it up yourself. It's better than La Notte, but not by much. All these pretentious art house films put me to sleep.

IMDb link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056736/