July 21, 2008

Zeitgeist (2007)


The biggest crime about Zeitgeist is that it claims to be a documentary when it is nothing but propaganda dreck. I felt like I was watching Triumph of the Will, except bad. It asks us to believe in it with the same blind faith it hopes to dispel. The movie is basically a series of preposterous conspiracy theories with little relationship to each other and little factual basis behind them. It names Jesus as an Egyptian astrotheological allegory, the 9/11 attacks as government-backed, and the Federal Reserve as the principal instigator of the world wars, as well as Vietnam and Iraq (despite previously suggesting it was the US Government). It is about as believable as Wanted or Audition, except it thinks it's real. Imagine if either of those movies were billed as docs, and you have Zeitgeist.

As if its own contradictions and spelling errors weren't enough evidence that this "documentary" was made with little preparation and littler background research, the cheesy Windows Media Player visualizations paired with incessant, inane, boring voice-over monologue should serve as further proof that even the filmmakers care not the least for its subject matter. This easily could have been made in Windows Movie Maker in half an hour with default transitions and effects. While interesting at first, it gradually manipulates you into believing more and more of its absurd theories. It may well be the worst-made movie of all time to appear on IMDb in any way, shape, or form. This is almost as bad as Audition. Seriously.

IMDb link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1166827/