I will, for once, start out my review by saying that it is an unfair assessment. I was not paying attention for most of the movie due to a number of distractions, mostly involving volume, exhaustion, and my contact lenses. (For example, I did not realize that the female protagonist was Rachel Weisz until I looked it up on IMDb later to write this very review you are now reading!) However, I remain confident in my reviewing abilities and am fairly certain my star rating is accurate, give or take 0.5 stars (which I don't use anyway).
To get more to the point: The Mummy takes place in the mid 1920's, except for an intro involving an overbearing voice-over narration, a nearly-nude Egyptian woman with a complicated and oft-repeated name, a pharaoh, a high priest, their love triangle, and an ancient curse involving reincarnation, which takes place ~3,500 years earlier. Back to the 1920's, Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, and her onscreen brother go and wake the mummy up from the dead and then eventually send him back to the dead by film's end. The plot really is quite preposterous and predictable (Sameer figured it out 45 minutes in and then left). It reminded me of a mix between Aladdin, Star Wars, The Da Vinci Code, and The Ten Commandments.

IMDb link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120616/