June 12, 2009

L'âge d'or (1930)


L'âge d'or is a terrible movie. To even call it a movie is an unwarranted compliment; it is closer to an arbitrary collection of absent-mindedly captured light, haphazardly arranged and perversely thrust upon unsuspecting viewers. Being a surrealist film by Buñuel and Dalí, there is little plot to speak of. Scenes are sometimes held together just barely by threads, sometimes by nothing at all. There are a very very few visually arresting scenes, and that is not enough for 60 minutes. Buñuel and Dalí's earlier work, Un Chien Andalou, is far superior because it had 4x as many shocking images and took 4x less time, which made it a total of 16x more interesting. And that movie was just barely enough to sate me. While L'âge d'or touched on some interesting thematics, they were isolated and incoherent, and altogether frustrating to pick apart. All in all, this is by far one of the worst films I have ever seen. If you want surrealism, or if you want early Buñuel or Dalí, then check out Un Chien Andalou. But pass on this dreck.

IMDb link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0021577/