August 13, 2007

Duel (1971)


Steven Spielberg's first feature-length film is too long to support its simple premise. The story revolves around a man driving to a business meeting and an insane truck driver trying to hunt him down and kill him. Why the truck driver desires such a fate for our hapless protagonist is never explained. Although interesting at first, it quickly overstays its welcome. Very quickly. And by a lot. It would have worked much better as a twenty minute short. The action titillates, but it cannot sustain tension; every five minutes or so we are back to square one, with no progression. This movie has serious pacing issues. It feels merely like a collection of many five minute segments instead of a unified whole. And there are so many worthless shots of the same thing over and over again that you just get sick of watching. The acting is laughably bad and the voice-over narration is laughably worse. The plot wanders into banal side stories for the sake of adding to its total running time.

The car shots were great, literally every single one was fantastic. And there were around three specific shots/sequences that made me think, wow, that is amazing. There were indeed scenes of great tension and paranoia. But these were overshadowed by the many scenes that contained only boredom. I do not recommend this film. In fact, I want to end this review as soon as possible so I don't have to think about the movie anymore. Although intriguing and seemingly promising, it quickly loses its momentum (ha!) and falls flat on its face. A colossal disappointment.

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