The tension, the wit, and the romance in the first half were all there, and in just the right quantities. The characters were well-developed, and the acting stellar. Our hearts are with the protagonists every step of the way. The pacing and editing were extremely precise. The shots, as always, were incredible. The music, though not by Herrmann, was still riveting and a good accompaniment to the movie's mood. But the best part of the first half is that it contained one of the most incredible murder scenes ever committed to film--I was nearly breathless the entire time. This movie should be seen just for that one scene. The second half was marred by a meandering, overlong escape, the introduction of a million worthless side characters, and a complete lack of progression and build-up. I did like the very unexpected re-introduction of a very minor character from the first half of the movie, but that is pretty much it. Despite moments of tension, it just didn't build up to anything and bored me. I was just waiting for it to end. The finale has nothing on The Great Escape. Even with the problems in the second half, the first half is just too good not to recommend it.
IMDb link: http://imdb.com/title/tt0061107/