May 25, 2007

À l'intérieur (2007)


À l'intérieur, or Inside, is far and away, hands-down, without exception or even competition, the scariest, most terrifying and disturbing horror movie I have ever seen in my entire life. Which I guess makes it the best horror movie I've ever seen. The movie follows a pregnant woman the day before she is supposed to go into labor, when a psychotic woman starts stalking her and, as we later learn, tries to cut the baby out of her. It is worse than The Exorcist because it doesn't bring the supernatural into it--it is just gory, gruesome, grisly violence and death. There are stabbings in all parts of the bodies (yes, including the crotch), blunt force trauma (from a toaster no less), shooting (and explosion of the things being shot), self-operated tracheotomy (later to be closed by duct tape), and eviscerations. I'm probably forgetting a couple things.

The sound design and music in this flick was flawless. It had me squirming in my seat and sweating balls with nothing going on visually. The movie is beyond scary; it is grippingly frightening. At one point in the movie, when a cop dies (I won't reveal how), I literally jumped out of my seat. I think it's actually easier to get that kind of reaction in other movies because you're not expecting something so surprising, but for them to be able to get you to do that in a horror movie, where you're expecting it, that's good filmmaking. I like how the title takes on a double meaning, as the pregnant woman gets trapped inside her house. Also, I commend the filmmakers for trying to have you sympathize with the villain (at one point they actually work together), even though the surprise/twist ending as to the identity of the psycho woman was a bit predictable. Also, the final shot is a pretty sweet homage to Rosemary's Baby, a movie I love.

There were some minor flaws in this movie as well. Once it got going, it really got going and never let up, but in the beginning it was kind of slow. They tried to make it more exciting with some cheap thrills, specifically two nightmare sequences, similar to the beginning of The Descent. Also, it seemed like near the end they were either too lazy to or just couldn't come up with more disturbing ways for people to die. The acting was acceptable, I guess. I don't really know what to look for. I mean, I was scared, so isn't that enough? The cinematography wasn't bad, but sometimes it didn't show what I wanted to see. Also, this isn't a fault of the movie, but it hindered my experience nonetheless--the audience sometimes laughed at it, which cut the tension and took me out of the mood. Anyway, if you like horror movies, this is without a doubt the one to watch.

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