May 20, 2007

My Blueberry Nights (2007)


I waited for two hours to see this movie, and I was not disappointed. It's quite good, but I'm going to write about what I didn't like about it first to get that painful stuff out of the way. Norah Jones's acting was atrocious in the beginning; it seemed amateurish, ditzy and unreal, as if she were reading a script, and reading it poorly. After a while I got more used to it and it fit in with her character better. Also, she looked A LOT like Hilary Swank, and I just couldn't get that fact out of my head while watching it. Jude Law was a bit unnatural too. The cinematography looked beautiful, but it played not so well. It was a bit edit-heavy and the lovely slow-motion shots in his earlier films no longer had their "cool" effect; instead it ended up being just excessive and annoying.

Now, onto the good stuff! I loved the Strathairn/Weisz segment and the Portman segment. It was back to the good old Wong Kar Wai I know and love, and in perfect form. The acting was flawless, the characters unique and full, the story touching and meaningful, and the emotions/tensions high. The dialogue was much much better than the Law segment(s) and had a much richer analytic framework. The music choice was always awesome, although sometimes its presence might have been a bit overpowering and too ever-present for my tastes. I especially liked the musical homage to In the Mood for Love at the end of the movie. I left the theater thankful for my experience, despite the long wait in the sun and the flaws in the movie. It is well worth watching for any Wong Kar Wai fan.

IMDb link: