May 25, 2007

Smiley Face (2007)


Smiley Face is an awful teen stoner comedy, a complete 180 from Araki's previous project--Mysterious Skin, about child molestation and its effects--which I thought was extremely well-done and worth watching. This, on the other hand, shouldn't even be on a festival circuit, unless the festivals it's running are pot festivals and dumb comedy festivals. I don't even think the pot community would like this movie, as it paints a horrible portrait of pot users.

The movie follows Jane F as she gets high, eats a ton of pot cupcakes and gets even more high, and goes on a series of misadventures throughout the day. There are, admittedly, some funny parts where I laughed, but these parts are swallowed whole by the dumb parts. The entire movie I couldn't stop thinking, "How is this stupid movie in the Director's Fortnight?" The story itself was throwaway; nothing about the movie's plot was essential. She loses pot, so she gets her secret stash, only to flush it down the toilet when she thinks the cops are after her. The acting? I can't even separate it out into a subcategory and give it some sort of rating. It's just part of this disgusting movie. The characters, all of them, were worthless and impossible to relate to. Nobody would like anybody in this movie, as they are all portrayed in negative, biased stereotypes. I hated the editing, which relied too heavily on fades, post effects, etc. They looked cheesy and ugly to boot. The music, on the other hand, wasn't bad, but the movie relied too heavily on the music. The cinematography actually wasn't bad. The movie had a lot of small indie comedy actor cameos (like Hyde from That 70's Show, that guy in The Office, and Danny Trejo), but the characters they were always playing were worthless and had like five lines. Jeez, I hate this movie. I hope you are not the kind of person who does like this movie.

IMDb link: