Note: This is a review of the director's cut, but I doubt the theatrical version is any better.
The supernatural horror movie 1408, based on a short story by Stephen King, has quite possibly the worst pacing I've seen in a single movie. There are about 5 endings, each more ridiculous than the previous ones, with the first starting about 30 minutes before the movie actually ends. Yeah. The last 4 endings and 29 minutes are excruciating. The plot follows John Cusack as Mike Enslin, an unappreciated author of "non-fiction" horror novels who makes it his mission to spend the night in supposed haunted hotel rooms and write about how scary they are. The trailer would have us believe that he does this because of his dead daughter and lack of faith in God, however, it is never explained. (I have been informed by the trustworthy IMDb forum posters that the movie is very different from the original story. For starters, there is no ex-wife and dead daughter.) There are additional unexplained motivations and side stories, but they don't make the movie any better.

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