December 27, 2007

Stolen Kisses (1968)


Despite the hatred I spewed after seeing Fahrenheit 451 and The Soft Skin, Truffaut's Stolen Kisses is actually a really entertaining film. What makes those crappy movies different from this one is the mood and the purpose. Instead of taking on serious subject matter, he has fun in Stolen Kisses. It's very reminiscent of Godard's Breathless in that you can see the director enjoying everything he's doing. I thought the pacing and the development of story and characters were exquisite. Loose ends were tied up (or at least explained) more so than I expected out of a Truffaut movie, which made it an extremely pleasant experience overall. I really liked the ending, and thought it was a great foreshadowing of the future Doinel series, where love is not so much a transitory fling but a long-lasting emotion. Hopefully Truffaut will carry that philosophy over into his future Doinel movies.

There are some startling cuts and amateurish cinematography, but overall they don't mar the film too much. The joy is infectious and totally blinds the viewer from these flaws. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a fun romp through young love and all its errors and successes.

IMDb link: